Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Student Name
Most Effective Composition Logo
(insert picture)
3 Strengths + 3 Weaknesses
Message of Logo
Emily Consevage

Natalie Correll
Pen is a good idea with composition. Having the pen represent 1 was a good idea. Clean brandmark.
Just seems kind of blah i guess. Not real exciting but simple which she was going for.
Message is to show simplicity because of the first year class. Ink dots show mistake will be made and it is alright for them.
Taron Cocke

Paxton Cohoon
It shows the McK colors. I like the pencils in it to show the writing. It is a clean simple look.
Maybe could have used another color somewhere.
Shows McK English Composition classes and purple adds school colors/spirit.
Sarah Goetze
It is a clean looking brand mark. I like the paw faded in the background. Conveys the message of first year Composition.
It maybe could have used McK or McKendree somewhere.
Message is first year Composition.
Elizabeth Bruchhauser
Clear on what the point of it is. The way the word size is ties in together good. Could add McK somewhere. Might be too bland. A picture of something might help.
Message shows first year composition.
Jaycee Kusko
This is a really cool design. The pen with the writing on it is cool. Also like the purple paw in the pack ground that ties in McK colors. It could possibly use McK or McKendree somewhere. Can’t think of any more weaknesses.
Shows First year Composition with McK’s school color.

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